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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Naughty me...

I nearly forgot to do the gratitude list. *gasp* How shocking!

Well, before you all go nuts waiting, here is my five for today.

1) Friends, I never know when you are going to pop up, or what you will say, but I am ever so grateful for your presence in my life, no matter how far you may orbit. Brian you know this is about you right?

2) Naps, I took a fast one just to try to get the little one to go down too, and it worked. She is asleep and I got a few minutes of recharging my batteries.

3) Garbage bags. Right now, I am in the midst of spring cleaning. Not the regular spring cleaning by the way, this time, everything that I have not used or worn in the last two months goes in the trash, or recycle, or Goodwill bin.

4) Coffee. 'Nuff said.

5) For the little one. She might have the loudest most ear piercing shriek, but it lets me know she is alive, and gives me a much deeper appreciation for silence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Marion thanks for the mention In the blog u know not matter how far away we may be the click of a mouse is all that is needed to put a smile on both our faces. Go for the stars and goodluck.