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Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Again this morning I get started with my gratitude list.

1) I am grateful for the time I have to watch my daughter grow, develop, and the chance it offers me to help her grow in to a good person.

2) Even though I live in a building that is being ghetto-ized by its newer residents, I have a roof over my head, and a sanctum that I can retreat to when things get overwhelming.

3) I am grateful that I have this blog, that I created something that I can put my time and effort into, even if it helps just one person, I have done something.

4) I am grateful for my success as a writer, as a speaker, and that it has allowed me to make some really wonderful changes.

5) I am grateful that I have the story that I do, it makes me really interesting. :)

I like making this list because its a five minute reminder of how much I truly have to celebrate.

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