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Monday, March 31, 2008

Stumbling Upon....

I use Firefox as a rule, and I added StumbleUpon to it. I have been Stumbling around the Internet for about 3 years now, finding some very interesting sites, and things that really interest me. Its a good way to spend a few minutes here and there when I have the luxury of being bored.
If you want to try it: http://www.stumbleupon.com

I was Stumbling tonight and I came across a movie trailer that really interested me. I am a gamer. I play World of Warcraft. I do love it, I play as often as I can. I know other people who play World of Warcraft, it tends to feed on itself, you meet people they play, they introduce you to other people who play. You tend to learn the language and talk it to others. Its almost a culture. Sometimes, it sneaks out into other parts of my life, and I find myself saying "wuh tuh fuh??" to someone and they give me funny looks.

So I was Stumbling and I found this link, which I now share with you.

I am off to play my BE Hunter Twink now. :-P


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